Rumors of redesigned MacBook Pro M1X models have been circulating for some time now, but we still don't know when Apple will introduce them. If the keynote of April 30 was the perfect opportunity, it seems that the pandemic got the better of the schedule, notably with supply problems on MiniLED screens. Well, according to leaker Dylandkt, who correctly predicted the details of … [Read more...] about Leaker announces 14/16 ”MacBook Pro and Mac Mini M1X for late 2021
MacBook Pro
Apple indirectly confirms an upcoming MacBook Pro with the M1X chip
Someone at Apple was a little overzealous in filling out the metadata for the WWDC 2021 YouTube retransmission, held Monday night. In the keywords of the video, the M1X chip is mentioned in the same way as the MacBook Pro equipped with this new processor.Everyone expected them during WWDC 2021, but Apple unfortunately ignored an announcement of the new 14 and 16-inch … [Read more...] about Apple indirectly confirms an upcoming MacBook Pro with the M1X chip