- As their official Twitter handle announced today, Etherium based NFT called EtherRocks has sold for 178, 179 and 187 Etheriums respectively.
- 1 Etherium = 3243 US dollars at the time of sale, so 187 Etheriums convert to 611,170 US Dollars.
- Hours after this sale, the other EtherRock owners have raised their prices to a min of 1 Million US Dollars.
This month has been crazy for all sort of NFT assets. Last week a digital Ape sold for over a million dollars. Now this rock clipart has sold for a whopping sum of $600K.
As per the developer’s website, this NFT project was started in 2017, making it one of the earlier applications of the NFT collectibles. The developer was clearly inspired by the 1970’s pet rock craze.
Only 100 such rocks were created, making it much rarer than cryptopunks and bored apes, which have 10,000 copies and still selling like hotcakes, even in million-dollars price range.
But like other NFTs there are generated by computerized variations in color and shading.
The buyer of the EtherRock no 56 is Justin Sun, the founder of popular torrent client bittorrent and TRON. He shared his purchase in a cryptic tweet.
Though he didn’t mention the ID of the rock he purchased it could easily be traced back to the below tweet and the time stamp.
But this is not the only EtherRock sale in the past 24 hours. There has been several sales in the meantime pulling up the floor from 300,000 USD to 1,000,000 USD in just 24 hours.
And the purchase of Justin Tron is only the first to cross half a million dollar mark. There have been at least 3 such sales in the past 24 hours, for up to 611K US dollars.