Germany is second in the automotive sector and the autonomous automobile. A small revolution well underway that the country does not want to catch up with delay, hence this new law which should allow autonomous vehicles from 2022 under certain conditions.
Germany and the automobile make 1
It, the world of electric cars is progressing faster and faster. If 3 or 4 years ago it was quite rare to see an electric car on the road, this is not the case at all today.
The sales figures are also constantly increasing year after year and confirm our feelings on the subject. Several countries like the United Kingdom for example went within 10-15 years that the big cities, London in this specific case, are only accessible to electric cars.
A more than daring bet but which is far from being the only one in this small automotive revolution. If you have a minimal interest in this area, you are not supposed to know that “autonomous driving”
As Tesla keeps repeating on the front line, it is necessary that within a few years, autonomous cars (without driver) be able to go from point A to point B without the help of humans. A monstrous challenge which despite all the good things Tesla has said about it in recent months is still far from being mature.
The United States is the first to have allowed open road tests of “semi-autonomous” driving but Europe seems much more dubious on the subject even if this latest news could move the lines here.

Indeed, as showed this morning, Germany has just adopted legislation which stipulates that it will allow driverless vehicles on public roads from 2022, ie in a few months. Beyond the individual, this rule aims to democratize robotaxis and delivery services in the years to come. This continues the country’s approach after having already allowed certain autonomous tests.
Obviously, there are certain rules to follow at the moment. We can, for example, cite the fact that this concerns vehicles reaching level 4 of autonomy (5 being the highest) and especially that activation is only possible in certain geographical areas of the country.
We have understood it well. Besides the difficulty of running an autonomous car without danger, it is also an adaptation of the laws and a highway code that must be completely reinvented so that it does not create havoc once installed. In place. To imagine that a decade from now it will be possible to pass vehicles with no one on the driver’s side may seem rather unrealistic at the moment and yet this is where we are headed.