A new malware called TeaBot is rampant on Android, and it wants your bank details.
The TeaBot malware can indeed read and copy certain particularly sensitive content….
New TeaBot malware on Android
As you probably know, during an online purchase, the buyer’s bank sends a code by SMS to validate the transaction in progress. A way of ” securing ” payments, which will however be reviewed and corrected soon.
In the meantime, a new malware is currently raging on Android, and seeks in particular to recover the bank data of its victims in various European countries. A malware called TeaBot and discovered by Cleafy .
Concretely, TeaBot will hide behind very famous names (VLC MediaPlayer, DHL, UPS…) to come and settle on the victim’s smartphone as an Android Service. In the background, the latter will analyze the actions of the user, while taking care to hide his icon, in order to make himself invisible.
The malware then reads and analyzes bank SMS messages containing single-use codes. Obviously, he can also steal the identifiers and bank card numbers of his victims, all at complete discretion. He can then carry out various banking operations independently, to the chagrin of his victims….
The good news is that TeaBot is not present on Google’s PlayStore, but spreads via alternative links, prompting to download an .apk file. Currently, TeaBot is targeting around sixty European banks in Spain, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands, and they translate the malware into several languages.