Twitter continues to chain redemptions. In a blog post, the social network announced that it had gained Scroll, a paid service that allows you to remove advertising from articles. Aim: to integrate it into a new Twitter offer.

“Every day people come to Twitter to find out and read what’s going on. Editors, journalists and writers fuel this conversation, informing the world and sparking discussion about the news, issues and topics that matter to us all. If Twitter is where a lot of these conversations take place, it should be easier and simpler to read the content that drives them,” writes Mike Park, vice president of product at Twitter.
Therefore, the company bought Scroll. For a subscription of 5 dollars monthly, its users have access to the contents of partner media with no element disturbing them during their reading. The platform removes pop-ups, ads and other cumbersome details from the page to make the experience much more enjoyable for the reader. Scroll also ensures that taking part media generate more revenue with this model than with ads. Sites like Buzzfeed News, The Verge, USA Today or even Business Insider work in collaboration with the platform.
If we do not know the amount of the acquisition, Twitter should welcome the 13 people from Scroll within its teams. Jack Dorsey’s social network plans to offer Scroll’s services in a paid subscription, with part of this subscription “donated to publishers and writers who create the content,” explains Mike Park. This subscription could also include a newsletter produced by Revue, which Twitter bought at the beginning of 2021.
“The mission given to us by Jack and the Twitter team is simple: take the model and platform that Scroll has built and evolve it so that all Twitter users experience an internet. Without friction or frustration, a large gathering of people who love the news and pay to support it over the long term,” Scroll wrote in a statement. The firm explains that new subscriptions to its service are therefore suspended, but nothing should change for those who have already subscribed to it.
Twitter has expressed its ambitions to create paid subscriptions in 2020, with the goal of having an unknown source of income. Recently, the social network announced the launch of Super Follow, a subscription in order to get exclusive content from certain users.