Need to manage a company’s Twitter account and don’t know how? You might find inspiration in this article. We took four real companies from different fields and asked four bloggers and Aula CM alumni to create a social media plan on Twitter for each of the companies.
The objective of this collaborative post is to give these companies concrete ideas to improve their communication strategy on Twitter and to help them. These tips may apply to other brands as well, so we hope you find them helpful.
Twitter plan for an online art gallery

In this case, it is an online art gallery whose business model is based on the sale of works from its artist catalog. The name of this gallery is B&G BYGART with a base of operations in Picasso’s hometown, Malaga.
The fundamental mission of this company, which is part of the cultural sector, is as follows:
- Promote and disseminate internationally the works of its network of collaborating artists. They use a virtual platform via the Internet, which allows greater dissemination, reach, and immediacy in all of their operations.
- And of course, sell through its virtual platform as the main source of income for the gallery and the artists. This is why it is very important that all social media strategies, and Twitter, in particular, consider as the main objective of driving traffic to the web to make conversions dynamic (or what is the same: getting visitors to carry out a specific action previously defined, namely the sale).
6 specific ideas for Twitter
Target audience
We understand that the gallery’s target audience is the first thing to focus on to deliver content in context. This audience could be described as art lovers with a high cultural level and an average purchasing power (since its platform makes art accessible to the less fortunate pockets) from 28 to 60 years old.
Remember that the content per post on Twitter is 140 characters long, which is less complicated than on other networks, but it requires continuous and non-stop communication with very relevant and specific content.
Content calendar
By glancing at the Twitter account, you can see the information about the company as well as its mission. The home page of the site also contains social media icons to create an ideal circuit for encouraging the growth of a community.
However, the B&G brand does not regularly post tweets, so it does not have a great capacity to influence its industry and we assume that it will only reach a very small number of potential customers to bring to the web.
It would be very wise to establish a content grid that would keep the network alive all the time, creating a conversation around the brand that would translate into a positive ROI (return on investment), that is to say, sales that would also go through the Twitter channel.
Another action that could improve the relationship between the company, the online community, and also the links with the offline (exhibitions, fairs, events, etc.), would be the creation of a hashtag that creates an identity of “tweeting” and whereby rewarding conversations and loyalty can be achieved, through a relationship of trust with the brand.
The goal should be to position the brand’s hashtags as trending topics in the industry, especially taking advantage of important events like ARCO.
Content Marketing
The content marketing value is also very important to provide potential followers the most relevant notifications that ensure a high level of commitment and participation. It is therefore very important to encourage participation actions, through questions and contests, elements that cannot be seen in your Twitter network, to continue to create a faithful virtual universe around the brand.
It would also be desirable to interact with other entities in the sector, which would encourage larger content and information networks (by helping others they would get more promotion so to speak). Due to the artistic nature of the business, audiovisual content is used quite widely, which enriches its own Twitter environment as well as its reach.
Another brand identity issue would match the image of the company, taking their photos, as well as improving and modifying the profile and cover photos.
Creation of lists
Also highlight other interesting aspects such as creating and keeping more lists, considering 6 little to update in such a complex and international art scene of galleries, museums, and fairs. Likewise, aspects of great importance such as the number of followers must be taken into account.
The gallery follows 2,001 accounts and 736 follow them and is expected to reverse the proportions of those numbers to increase its positive reputation in the competitive environment of Twitter. Performing occasional cleanings with ManageFlitter would be of great benefit to them.
As a final tip, it’s worth mentioning that running campaigns for ads promoted by Twitter would increase their reach (impact) exponentially.
Also, one of the most important tasks is to perform constant monitoring with tools like TweetDeck, schedule tweets with multiple apps like Buffer, and run analytics reports with TwitterAnalytics to get improvements and fix issues. goals and strategies that are sure to improve web traffic and sales conversions of works of art.
Twitter strategy for a restaurant

What is this restaurant?
The Dolomiti restaurant was born in 1981 in a small room in the center of the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz. This is an Italian restaurant for customers who want to enjoy fresh pasta and hand-made pizzas in a wood-fired oven. A perfect union between the classic model of the Italian pizzeria and the quality of the Basque restaurant. It stands out for its innovative approach, continuously integrating new and exclusive products into its menu and surprising its customers with different value propositions (participation in gastronomic days, watching football matches, etc.)
Why Twitter?
The economic model of this sector is changing, moving from a traditional strategy to another where social networks have an important place. This is why we have decided to promote Dolomiti’s presence on Twitter because it allows us to do so:
- Improve communication with customers effectively and control keywords related to our business.
- Engage potential customers by promoting the brand approach as well as attracting followers, turning them into customers, and turning these new and old customers into satisfied customers.
- Generate web traffic, although initially, they are scarce, in the future they can generate several qualified visits.
- Promote the memory of the Dolomiti brand and image.
- Have a two-way communication channel, to be able to resolve customers’ doubts or complaints and, above all, to take advantage of the valuable information they provide to improve service and product quality, obtaining a better experience and customer satisfaction.
Who are we talking to?
First of all, we will determine our target audience: men and women between the ages of 18 and 65 who live in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz or who usually visit it. There will be no segmentation by age, tastes, or consumption habits.
What are our goals?
All the reasons mentioned above must be quantifiable and measurable, which is why we will define 3 specific objectives:
Create a powerful and quality community.
To get 1000 useful followers (there are currently 486). Useful followers will be those whose profile can be identified as real people (not pages that follow looking for followers), active (last tweet less than a week old), and who can be seen to be located in Vitoria-Gasteiz and its surroundings. In other words, for a follower to be useful, they must be a potential customer or influencer.
Generate traffic to the website.
This objective will be considered achieved if the number of visits reached via Twitter exceeds the ratio of 5 visits for each tweet posted. For example: “The mushroom season. Prepare new novelties in the menu. Try them out! “.
Generate added value in tweets.
This will be the interaction and she will be considered satisfied if several mentions or retweets of around 1 for every two posts are reached.
What actions will we take to achieve the goals?
We will create an attractive profile
The profile photo will be a static image, preferably the company logo (DOLOMITI). And the cover photo will be a static image which will change from time to time depending on the events (holidays, seasons…). For example, for the festivities of Vitoria 2015, a photo of the premises will be used with an image of Celedón descending from the Church of Santa María and the customers can be seen celebrating the festivities with the typical handkerchief.
As for the profile description, we keep the text that appears because it is short, efficient, and contains the necessary keywords.
The username, @ dolomiti1981, is easy to remember and perfectly identifiable with the company. Since this is a name very similar to the website URL, it is easy to associate it with the business.
We will increase visibility
We recommend frequent use of Hashtags (#). Most tweets will be accompanied, as far as the 140 character limit allows, by one of the hashtags #pizzeria, #pintxo, #pote, and the name of the city when referring to specific offers. The goal is to make the Dolomiti account and the tweets visible when searching on Twitter… In addition to seeing the tweets that your followers will see, people interested in the hashtag topic will see them.
Two specific hashtags will be created, #venezadolomiti and #allonsadolomiti, which will be used by the account and followers respectively. The first will be used to announce or promote events, special promotions, sports broadcasts … Thus, by entering this term in the search engine, the highlighted events that have taken place will appear and Internet users will be able to see the dynamism of this business.
The other hashtag will be created for use by followers. We will seek to interact with them and encourage their friends and family to visit the site. The posts of followers who use it will be tested again to promote their visibility and show their proximity.
Customer opinion gives the company greater credibility. So no matter how hard twitter tries to showcase the virtues of the company’s products and services, it will never achieve the same strength and credibility as a review from a satisfied customer.
Actions on Twitter will focus on building a community i.e. a large group of followers who interact with the company account, who act as influencers, who are active and generate feedback. ‘information. They will answer all of their questions and interact with them.
We will be constant in sending Tweets
The volume of publications should be high and varied. Twitter users find it positive that a profile is extremely active, as long as the posts aren’t just self-promotional. In this case, and to gain followers, we will post 10-15 tweets per day with interesting information, of which 7 will be original posts (not counting replies and retweets), between 10:00 am and 11:00 pm.
We will publish quality and valuable content
The content to be published will be:
Concerning the world of leisure (17% of publications).
These include festivals, musical concerts, fairs, local festivals, gastronomic days, sporting events, and parties or shows.
Humor (20% of publications). It must be politically correct without entering into controversial or considered bad taste or offensive subjects but trying to relate it to the news.
Advice, recommendations, and news articles (30% of publications).
Articles and tips that are both useful and fun for users. News in the style of “which city in Spain is the best to live in”, “what you know about our city: discovering Gasteiz”, “how to cut Iberian ham in 10 simple steps”… This news will be obtained from the local and national press and various blogs and websites that the professional in charge of the Twitter account will compile daily.
Subsequently, and after the first semi-annual report, the possibility of creating a blog integrated into the site will be evaluated, and it will be possible to create links to articles on the site, with useful, interesting, and entertaining content for the readers ( 33% of publications).
Also, from time to time, the different sections of the website will be linked to information about the company’s products, time changes, sporting or cultural events that can be seen on the premises, as well as on the company’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
Search for influencers
Influencers have a lot of followers and getting them to mention the company account will bring more visibility to the company. Locating and interacting with those who are most interested will be essential in this first phase of the strategy. To this end, we will be researching both Twitter and the web for bloggers, websites, and twitters with the highest level of activity and followers who have local hobbies and food as their main topic of conversation. Also included will be general tweeters who have created a large community around them.
To get them talking about Dolomiti, you will timidly start interacting with them, following them, bookmarking their posts, retweeting, occasionally mentioning and commenting on their posts. The goal is to achieve real and quality interaction, not to seek visibility and approval. Do not believe that Dolomiti is trying to make people talk about her, but that she is part of the Twitter community and that she therefore interacts and chats with the people she follows spontaneously and naturally.
How to measure it?
If we invest time and money, we need to measure its performance. I propose below the most commonly used measurement tools to evaluate the result of the proposed actions.
Twitter Analytics, Twitter Ads, and Audiense, to know the engagement rate and the retention rate.
Google Analytics or Hubspot, to measure web traffic, leads generated, and conversion rates.
Tweet Binder to measure the reach and know the involvement of the ambassadors and popular accounts who have participated in your communication strategy
If we learn to effectively track and interpret the results of these tools, we will have a better understanding of return on investment ( ROI ) on Twitter.
Let’s not forget that the success of this type of business on Twitter lies in persistence, continuity, and interaction. The keys to achieving what we are pursuing on Twitter are:
- Tweet, retweet, and good content for your target audience.
- If you don’t add value on Twitter, people won’t follow you. They don’t have to.
- Just follow they follow you. When you follow people, they are notified and go to your account to verify it. They need to find a powerful profile, good photos, as complete a biography as possible with keywords and quality tweets. They will want to see if your posts are interesting and can be of use to them. Otherwise, they will have no reason to follow you.
And that’s just the beginning…
Twitter media plan for a business consulting firm

The actions we take on Twitter should contribute to the goals set out in the consulting firm’s social media plan. In this case, we want to increase quality traffic to your website to achieve conversions.
- Quality traffic: for this advice, there will be visits to companies, freelancers, entrepreneurs …
- On-site conversions: users who fill out the form to request information about the consulting firm’s services (tax, work, accounting, etc.) or who see the phone and call to ask.
We already know what we want, but how can Twitter help us?
Actions on Twitter for a business consulting firm
First of all, we opened a Twitter account
In the description, we define the company using keywords and add a direct link to the website.
We have created a great community of followers
To do this, we will proceed as follows:
- With the Twitter search engine, we look for accounts that contain terms like entrepreneurs, businesses, self-employed, etc. in their biography. We will follow these accounts. They will serve to nourish our community of followers.
- I recommend making a list in which we put the accounts that can be used to track their followers. A percentage that will surely make us the follower. We already have a growing number of followers.
- We will create a community of followers in which there will be potential customers (obviously) and also companies in the sector who will help us to interact with our tweets. There may be other consulting firms here, but we will treat them as professional colleagues rather than competitors (in fact, we will retweet some of their posts and give them “I like you”).
- We will follow at a constant pace the users of the accounts that we had selected previously. For example, 300 per day. We can also follow stories that publish interesting content, influencers, …
- We need to maintain a balance in the follower/follower relationship. For this, we can use free tools like Manage Flitter, SocialBro, or Crowdfireapp. If the users we’ve followed don’t return the favor, we’ll stop following them, but not all of them.
- Some reviews interest us because they post valuable content on the board, or because they are obvious influencers or potential clients. We will be able to interact with them (favorites, results, answers…). A trick to getting their attention, besides the above, is to place these accounts in one of your public lists since they will receive a notification.
The content of our publications will largely determine our success
- We will publish tweets of interest of content related to consulting firms, management companies, companies, entrepreneurs … This will allow us to retain our followers and they, by sharing our tweets, will allow us to have more reach and more followers. How are we going to do this?
- We will schedule 4 or 5 tweets per day. There are free tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or TweetDeck. Also, we have to interact every day with certain tweets from other people (RT, FAV,…), publish certain current tweets…
But where can I find ideas and information for so much scheduled tweeting?
- We put one or more Google alerts on search terms related to consultancy.
- We are opening a Feedly account where we publish blogs with interesting and frequent content on business, taxation, entrepreneurship… This will serve to feed our tweet programming.
- We look at tweets with a lot of “reach” and “engagement” (we use Tweet Binder, SocialBro, Hashtracking,…) and see which blogs are sharing content. We add them to our diet.
Finally, we must contribute to the goal we set for ourselves
Once the community is reached, we must think about taking advantage of it to help our goal, which was to bring quality visits to the Disyem website.
- We can use an 80/20 strategy so that only 20% of the tweets we schedule will be commercial content, so as not to tire our audience.
- However, we will be “working” more on these tweets. How? ‘Or’ What?
- In our tweets, we will always put an image that will significantly increase the interaction.
- We will analyze the best times to post “our” tweets.
- We will put an appropriate hashtag (#).
- We will put a link to the home page of our site where you will find the extension of the content of the tweet. This is where we wanted to go!
A consulting firm is not going to make more money just by having a lot of Twitter followers. But Twitter, if used well, can help you get more customers.
Twitter strategy for an in vitro fertilization clinic
How do healthcare companies do it on Twitter? What is the best strategy for a brand of this type? We focused on the Norba Clinic, which offers in vitro fertilization and gynecology treatments. We want to come up with a simple plan for social media with a few specific actions so that this type of business can take full advantage of Twitter.
5 Steps to Using Clinic Twitter

Edit your profile
It sounds obvious, but first and foremost, take the time to think about what photos, profile, and the background will let your community know more about your services.
Typically, the profile photo is the company logo and the background photo can be of a pregnant woman, a smiling couple, or a newborn baby. @clinicanorba has placed the company color green in the background, which works if you have successfully identified with that color, like Vodafone with red. But if not, you are missing out on a golden opportunity to provide information about your business.
Placing the phone in a visible part of the image can be very effective.
A description is also an important place to summarize what you are offering or what sets you apart from others.
Don’t forget to add the link to your website or, if you don’t have one, your Facebook page.
Get to know and interact with your community
It follows profiles of industry sectors, such as father and mother bloggers, other clinics, or pediatricians. So you will know what topics they are talking about, you can participate in the conversations and it will give you ideas to generate the content of your posts.
As soon as you start posting what interests them, they will follow you and your community will grow. Keep in mind that the important thing is not how many followers you have, but that they are participatory, that they interact with you with favorites, mentions, and retweets.
Use the advanced search on Twitter, or tools like SocialBro or Manage Flitter to find accounts interested in IVF and get to know your community. @clinicanorba might find that you have a lot of followers in Portugal and might be interested in translating your website into Portuguese or setting up a Twitter account to post in that language.
Promote your tweets
Images, videos, links, and hashtags make a single tweet appear more in user timelines, which means more likely to be mentioned, retweeted, or bookmarked. Another option is to pay to have your tweets displayed at the top of the timeline.
Practice content marketing
Knowing what to post is about knowing your audience, which in this case is mostly women who want to have children, so put yourself in their shoes to generate valuable information for them. Give them a special post on Women’s Day, for example.
Use related research from Google and Google Trends, two essential tools to find out which keywords people interested in vitro fertilization are looking for the most. You may find that it is better to write about #fertility or #FIV rather than #fertility or artificial insemination.
It is essential to know whether your actions are having an impact or not to reorient your strategy. Thanks to Twitter Analytics, you will be able to know which are the tweets that have the most impact on your followers, and thanks to SocialBro or HootSuite, you will know what is the best time to tweet to your community.
Remember: In such a business it’s hard to get conversions, but you can work on a branding and good online reputation that translates into recommendations of your services by your brand ambassadors to customers. other users.
And what do you think of all these ideas? Do you think there are others for these 4 companies? Do you think the strategies we just saw can be applied to other companies as well? Let us know your opinion, you can also contribute and suggest actions for Twitter! Any suggestion will be received with open arms. Let’s add up.