ESport is “booming,” that’s for sure! As of 2019, there is hardly a company that has not heard of the “fascination eSports” in any way. Because: at the latest, when Uli Hoeneß and even politicians talk about eSports, something must be on this “hype” turn!

Whenever industries are growing, smart “marketers” will prick up their ears. New industries mean new target groups. And: at the beginning of such a growth phase, advertising opportunities are generally favorable. So it is only logical that after the “big ones” now also the “smaller” deal with eSports marketing.
But beware: there, where there is a lack of experience, there are also lurking some “faux pans.” And this is precisely what you have to avoid!
Discipline eSport Marketing – your business should pay attention!
Companies are always looking for new ways to reach new target groups. In the best case, the costs invested in reaching the target group should be below the current advertising costs in other areas, such as Facebook advertising or Google Ads. The “eSports” section currently offers such a situation. And that’s precisely why eSport Marketing is so popular or in demand among corporate circles right now! Many companies are trying to exploit the current “hype” and to position themselves early in the field of eSports.
The beautiful thing: in new areas such as export marketing, the “cost of entry” is initially quite low. The field of eSports is currently booming, but much of the industry itself is not yet fully developed. Organizers lack, for example, in prizes or prize money for their competitions, venues for their tournaments and things like uniform jerseys. For companies, so the supposedly “perfect” chance to get hold of a place in this world early!
However, before a company makes the final “pro” or “contra” eSports marketing decision, it should be considered internally whether it is worth investing in that area – in many ways.
Is the target group also the “right one” for my company?
It is good to open up new target groups, but only if the corresponding target groups also agree with the ” personas ” of your own company! Necessary for the decision process is: “eSports” is not equal to “eSports”! After all, eSports has not just one game, but a whole host of different eSports games! Depending on which club or player you choose, you will reach a completely different target group in case of doubt.
The eSports industry is still under construction

As of 2019, eSport Marketing even says that as a company, you do not just invest money, but at the same time have to do “building work.” Clear: missing prize money is always a problem that needs to be solved! As described above, it is above all the organizational things that are currently causing the organizers a headache. For example, if your company declares itself willing to provide part of its own office space for a tournament, then you, as the organizer, also have to ensure that the room is free by the deadline and the WLAN connection works smoothly. In all the cases where you offer more than just the “sum X,” it is usually not done with a commitment. In such cases, you will be actively involved in the planning.
All “exporters” want one thing – to fulfill the dream of the “export professional.”
For all “sportspeople” there is usually one end goal, namely to live from “gambling”! You should pay attention to this motivation when developing your export marketing ambitions. Long-term investments are accepted much more thankfully than an individual, irregular expenditures. Just as in the “classic” sports world, you can set the individual or the team in the area of eSports. In any case, your company will help a group live their dream!
But it should not be forgotten that professional exporters have a role model in their niche. Quite a few players admire this elite group of professional “gamers” and emulate their style of play and training routines! Businesses who want to get involved in export marketing effectively should approach their own commitment professionally. That’s the only way to ensure that you are perceived within the community of a sportsman as a sober sponsor, with serious intentions.

Looking for approaches in traditional marketing – Tips for “export Sponsoring.”
The easiest way for companies to gain a foothold in the field of eSports Marketing is traditional sponsorship. So there’s a lot of overlap with general marketing topics on this topic.
In addition to teams, as a company, you can also support individual players financially. Of course, the own logo can also be placed on the jerseys of the players or even on the banner of a tournament. Depending on the event and team, there are various possibilities.
When choosing the marketing measures, however, you should pay attention to some subtleties. While in “real life” football, for example, the space on the chest of the jersey is the most sought after, this may look completely different in eSports. Depending on the “how” – or from which perspective – the game is transferred, the place on the back of the jersey can pay off from the perspective of your own company. There are also other tips to get the most out of your eSports marketing activities.
Make effective use of the “lull months” in the summer!
For many companies, the “lull months” begin with the summer months. Companies looking to engage with their audience over these months are in the right place for eSports Marketing. This is where the whole year is played. And: the fans are also involved in essential match days and tournaments! Instead of going through the “Online Marketing Summer Break,” as a company, you could be looking to intensify your marketing activities in the eSports industry right at this time!
Find new PR opportunities with eSports Marketing

Who wants to be interested in PR sources – both online and offline – needs telling stories. Companies that engage in actual PR work are always on the lookout for such opportunities. Precisely this could be an engagement in the field of eSports help. Not many are active in this field so far. Companies that dare to take the step into this world and also do something useful are usually rewarded with media attention.
Drive employer branding and find apprentices
Every year, companies have significant problems filling vacancies. The so-called “ employer branding ” is, therefore, becoming more and more a central issue in the search for young people looking for training! But how do you put your own company into the focus of young people? About training fairs? Maybe. About eSports Marketing? Definitely!
In line with our goals, as a company, we always have to go where our relevant target group is daily. In the case of adolescents seeking education, it could not be more precise. The majority of these people are fascinated by these games and play them every day if in doubt!
Resurrecting social media channels with the help of new target groups
With the decision “pro” eSport Marketing we would like to present our company to a new target group. As soon as this target group “perceives” their own company, they automatically start “wandering over” to our social media channels . Especially online presences that have fallen asleep over the years could benefit from this. However, one should also offer something to the new target group on their own channels. Otherwise, this is a faster way again, as you can even say “eSports”!
Use eSports to expand your own social media presence
Each social media channel has different target and age groups. For companies, it is essential to identify these target groups and to be present, even where their own target group moves. Anyone who has been thinking about expanding their own company’s online presence for a long time might take their personal involvement in the eSports sector as an opportunity. You would like to get involved in export marketing in the long term and see that the target groups, for example, increasingly move to Twitter? Then this is an excellent reason to start your own presence on Twitter and from there on every day to “tweeting” what it takes! The main thing is to provide your new target group real added value with your content. So you stay sustainable in the head!
eSport Marketing – an outlook
As a “marketer,” you are always looking for “the” new channel. The eSports area could certainly be one of them! The world of eSports is growing almost every minute. An end is not in sight for the time being.
Companies looking to invest heavily in their eSports marketing campaigns over the next few years should always do so with long-term “glasses.” The industry is still in its infancy, especially in Germany. If you’re hoping for a lot of reach for little money, but more sales, you can quickly drive your ambitions to the wall. As of 2019, the “fascination eSports” live from thinkers and people with foresight who put a lot of work, passion, and passion into building up this industry. Accordingly, companies with eSport Marketing do not merely invest in another “channel,” but in a subarea that is perceived by many “internal” as their own “baby.” “Building work,” “foresight” and “long-term orientation” are the magic words,