There are people who, after 12 minutes of Internet research, start with their first website to build their online business.

Others spend more than a year researching and thinking before they finally get started.
Why do some take so long and others need only a few minutes?
It’s this feeling of “I have to inform myself thoroughly before I start” that makes you need a certain amount of security before you start not to fall on your nose.
While others have the attitude: “I just do it and see if it works and learn everything I need later.”
If you only have 1 minute today, remember: Start immediately – no matter how! You learn much better from your own experiences and mistakes than if you read through different theories for months.
In the following, I write down my methods, of which I am convinced and which helped me to begin on the Internet and to become successful.
1.# Selecting a Business idea/strategy/topic

You want to start, but you have too many ideas. Don’t make a mistake and start many projects at the same time. Focus on one project at the beginning and do it as well as you can and improve it during development.
I often get requests about what niches would be suitable for. Everyone has so many niche ideas and doesn’t know which ones to start with and which ones to put first, or if they’d instead go at them all at once.
The bad thing is not only the selection of several niches at the same time. That these people also have their own blog, want to write about making money on the internet from the beginning and additionally write an e-book about XY.
Problem: Too many projects at once. Information and Work overload
With each of these projects, you will sooner or later always reach points where it is no longer so easy to continue. And that’s precisely when the temptation to stop is excellent, which unfortunately happens very often.
Therefore my advice: Start with the best project right from the start and concentrate on it!
2.# Learn all you can about this Topic from 3 Different Sources
When you start a new project, you need information on how to implement it. No matter what exactly you want to do on the Internet (and you know there are many possibilities), you will need help and benefit from the knowledge of others.
If my business idea were to write an e-book, I’d subscribe to the three best blogs on the subject.
To do this, I would search Google for “Write e-book” and click my way through the top 50 and at the same time make a request in an Internet marketing forum. Or in an Internet marketing Facebook group / Xing group. So I would definitely get more than 10 possible pages displayed and would then choose the three best pages according to my feeling.
Then I would buy three books on the subject and make sure that I buy at least one hardcover book.
Also, about the books, I would ask accordingly, google, or search Amazon for the best book on this subject.
And last but not least, I would take two online courses depending on my budget. As I am fluent in English, I would book a path from the USA (which is far ahead of us).
So I would have the 3 best blogs, 3 books and 2-course contents (video or audio) on this topic.
A basis that enables me to absorb more than 95% of the knowledge of all other people active in this field. (This percentage is not documented. ????)
To really learn the content, I would install mechanisms so that I learn something new every day.
Since I like to read in the evening, I would schedule 1 hour for reading every evening before going to bed. I would record the blogs in the morning, including 1 hour of member area content. So I would have invested 2 hours every day in my own learning.
Very important: As soon as you buy products on the Internet, subscribe to e-mail mailing lists and blogs. You are quickly tempted to purchase new products and find out about new topics that do not correspond to the business idea defined in point 1. So try to stay active and don’t get distracted! Don’t buy any more products until you a) have enough time or b) get your first project up and running.
3.# Set Fixed Goals – to-do list – focus on the Right Things

Imagine you’re going on a four-week round trip to the United States. Will you just book the flight and then do the rest?
Or would it make more sense to find out in advance which cities to visit and how many days you should plan for which city, which sights are mandatory and where you might be able to spend the night?
If you prepare correctly for your trip to the USA, you will set yourself goals, what you want to do. With four weeks, you’ll probably be visiting the East Coast and West Coast and essential places like New York, Miami, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
So you set yourself goals beforehand, what you want to see and visit.
Do the same in your online business.
Set yourself a fixed big final goal, such as 100 monthly sales of the e-book, and then partial goals to achieve that goal, such as completing the e-book, writing a sales letter, installing a payment system, generating the first sale, and so on.
This gives you the assurance that if you achieve all your sub-goals, you will get closer to your main goal.
If you choose the sub-goals sensibly, you will always have a focus on the right tasks. You will also concentrate on the things that make the difference and make you money in the end, and not be distracted so quickly.
Problems can arise during a trip to the USA. Maybe the hotel will be overbooked, it will rain, the rented car turns out to be a rickety rust bucket. The line in front of the Statue of Liberty is so long that you have to wait 3 1/2 hours, etc.
And you will also have problems building your online business. However, through your subgoals, you know what you have to do to reach your primary goal. If issues arise, you may have to do other work or look for help to achieve the subgoals. Always with a clear conscience that you have to master this subgoal to reach the primary goal.
4.# Outsource or get Partners on Board

There will always be things you can’t do yourself. Every budding entrepreneur has his strengths and weaknesses. Some give up a lot of tasks (because they have the necessary capital for it) and only supervise the services, while others do a lot themselves and give up only a little.
You have to find a middle way for yourself.
As a general rule, give the tasks to service providers in which you are not good yourself and with whom you also have no desire to teach them to you.
For example, I wouldn’t learn a new programming language, but rather look for someone with whom I can form a partnership, or pay the programmer for his work. If I don’t have money for the programmer, I try to get him involved in the project. If I can communicate my plan very well and make the possible successes palatable to the programmer, I have my first partner on board.
Smaller tasks, like creating a logo or a header, are much easier to “hand over” – it’s not worth getting a partner on board.
As you can see, there is no “right” or “wrong” here. Instead, it will depend on you as a person what tasks you give. Sometimes it really makes more sense to work with several partners to implement the project faster and better, even if you have less income as a result.
Possible sources to find partners are internet marketing forums or internet marketing groups.
5.# Networking
Contacts are precious, and they are also vital in building an online business.
The wrong way is to simply add a person to Facebook as a friend without first having had to contact them. (Happens to me every day!)
The right way would be to find a person who’s moving in public beforehand through the blog, respond to new blog posts, try to help the person, and only then connect with them.
It’s important to help YOU first and provide a clear added value, for example, by offering to do something for them, or already have something that could help them.
Unfortunately, very few people today are prepared to make advance payments, which makes it more and more challenging to find useful contacts – but not impossible.
At this point, I can recommend the book “How to Win Friends” by Dale Carnegie. (The audio version is already available for 9,95 Euro!)
The other way is to contact them at eye level and simply want to make a meaningful partnership, but for most people, the situation will probably arise that they are just at the beginning of a business idea and need “help” – yet asking and taking is definitely not the right approach.
Find out where your potential partner might need help in public, offer him that help, and it will automatically develop into a valuable contact.
Contact with like-minded people can be found in Internet marketing forums or Facebook and Xing groups.
Furthermore, through large blogs and the resulting conferences and trade fairs. Contacts are essential, so find new connections and maintain them.
In this article, you have now learned how to start.
Just reading it and telling yourself that you’ll be looking at this article again when it’s ready won’t do you any good because you’ll forget!
You must DO NOW and START to take the first steps.
Internet Marketing is not a science, it’s actually quite simple. You don’t need any special skills or knowledge and don’t even need to be able to program nowadays.
And yet most people who read this article won’t make any money on the Internet. Not because they don’t know how to do it, but because they don’t implement what they’ve learned.
What will you do?
For your success in the Internet