How to reference your blog?

How to reference your blog? Since the web was created, all those who try to conquer it compete on the same subject: SEO techniques or Content Marketing?
But why choose between marketing and SEO, when you can have both?
So I’m going to teach you how to make you want Google and make him fall in love with your blog.
But first let me tell you a little story:
You spent hours preparing your blog, make a beautiful design, dress, look after all the details.
And finally, you have released your first article.
The first few days, you wait patiently for the engine to notice you. With all these keywords that you have parried, he should end up turning his eyes to you, right?
But after a few weeks, you must admit it: Google has put a big wind.
He does not even look at you.
You try some links exchanges, some comments, sharing on networks, you struggle …
But the more you do that, the less you seem positioned.
And there, a terrible doubt seizes you:
Does Google … hate you?
But no, rest assured. It’s just that:
There are 3 million blogs created every month in the world, so Google must have affinities. Otherwise, it would be a gang bang infernal to manage!
There are so many techniques used to rank his site that the engine becomes more demanding.
Your blog is new, it takes a while to get to know you.
But you still have to send him the right signals.
1 – Referencing your blog: The longer it is, the better return time

More than the bounce rate, what will draw attention to your site will be the time of stay of your readers before they leave chasing other queries in the engine, i.e., the time of return.
Google favors sites that know how to charm users, facilitate their experience, adapt to their requests and ultimately, create such a feeling of well-being that they act like a drug that the user will soon be able to no longer happen.
Here’s how to keep your readers glued to your blog for at least 5 minutes:
Fascinate your reader
One might think that long articles are repulsive and yet …
As this study shows, Google promotes the positioning of the most extended articles. This is obvious since the algorithm is continually refined to detect rich contents of mediocre content.
Morality: write long articles.
But beware, if a lengthy article written in the right way will fascinate the reader, indigestible remarks will bore him deeply.
So here’s how to tape your reader to your writings:
Delay pleasure with hinge expressions. Look: And here’s how: Read instead: …
Do not knock down all your game cards, and use cliffhangers, as I did in the introduction to this article. Typically the cliffhanger is as follows: “But first, let me tell you …”
Raise interest by telling well-known facts, studies, or general cultural information, such as the typical “Did you know.”
Interpellate your reader by asking an open question to expose a problem (You have created a blog, but no one visits it?) Or closed to answer the problem yourself (How to have visitors?)
Shove the reader by confronting him with his mistakes. “You hoped that creating your blog and launching it would miraculously bring you, readers. Sorry to grieve you, but you’re wrong. “
Use bulleted lists. Unconsciously, it gives us the feeling of wanting to read “the whole list.”
In the same way, say “First,” “Already,” or “First,” this will indicate to your reader that there is a sequel.
Do not be burdensome, and use humor to lighten your prose.
Alternate slow and fast to climb in 1st position:
Frankly, you instead want to read this:


So, even if you have to write the 1001 nights, make short paragraphs. Computer reading is tiring, respect the fragile eyes of your readers.
On the other hand, make sure your pages load quickly. A display time greater than 2 seconds completely demeans your visitor.
I recommend the online audit tool Dareboost, which I discovered on the blog Miss Seo Girl.
Put in your URL and fix everything that keeps your blog from loading quickly. From reducing your images to caching, lots of advice are given in the results of the audit.
Create captivating subtitles
To create good captions, you must:
To raise interest.
Evoke a profit
Make reading more fluid
To arouse curiosity:
You can be familiar. Example: “Read bullshit” I used in How to find his writing style.
Say enough to make you want to read, but not too much, so as not to give the answer even before the reader has seen the paragraph. Example: “Use subtitles that arouse curiosity” VS “Create alluring subtitles.”
Say something wrong, then contradict it. Example: “SEO is dead” then “I’m tired of reading this every year since 2009”.
To talk about a profit, say clearly what your reader will get by reading the following paragraph. Example: “You will win 10 positions with this trick.”
Make reading smoother by writing your subtitles after writing your article. Attention, I’m not saying that we must find the structure of the material after. For example, I found the construction of this article first, but the subtitle was just noted “Subtitles.” Well, it turns out that the title of this subtitle is “subtitles.” So, it’s a little subtitles Inception. But you understood me.
Do the kama-sutra with your links
One article leads to another, which leads to another … Let your pieces intermingle to no longer know where to turn!
A useful internal link allows your readers to read the other articles of your blog, and to indicate to the engines the relevance of these links.
And it makes them stay at home for a long, long time …
Make the pleasure last
Create an “About” page. Everyone wants to know who you are, who is hiding behind these items, drop the mask!
If you’ve created a lead magnet to get your readers registered, create a dedicated page, as I did with Triple Rate.
Do not let anyone leave you: your external links open in a new tab!
Increase reading comfort with a nice typo (I use Open Sans) at the right size (I prefer the XXL = 18 pix), images placed at regular intervals, key phrases enhanced by color and fat.
Go even deeper
If the Google In-depth feature is not yet functional in France, you can try to appear in Google News. Follow the official Google tutorial and these valuable tips.
You may have the chance to appear in the News pages and even on the first page of results like this:
look in Google news
2 – Do not be a shot of a night
reference his blog

You fear that once the effect of surprise passed, your readers get bored and move on?
As I understand you. There is nothing worse than being forgotten by those we try to charm. And in this regard, Google tends to make his Dom Juan.
I’m going to show you how to prevent your blog from being deserted by people like robots:
Be present
To avoid being a passing adventure, post regularly, of course. But what is the ideal pace?
At the launch of a blog, make your court. I advise doing at least one feature article per week. They are epic, super informative, full of useful advice, unpublished, surprising, funny, well written, made over, show you!
Then when the interest is there, blow the hot and the cold. Post different articles, with different formats. Post a shorter material from time to time, but that brings real value.
Maintain the flame
Have small touches. Correct your articles regularly, add or remove links, organize competitions that will be shared, improve structure, ergonomics, optimization … And notify Google by sending a new sitemap when you added pages, in short, show that you are there, you care about your blog and your readers.
Feel free to renew your wardrobe, by changing the design, color or typography and notify your readers by asking them what they think, thanks to a survey. They will go to see your site again, and why not send different links to your email list according to their interests? Thus, your blog will have a peak of visits on several old articles likely to interest again your readers!
Evince your opponents by doing better than them. Look who ranke on the keyword you are aiming for and write a longer, better optimized, more excellent article, with better-described images, more catchy titles, and a debugging style.
3 – Be a speaker

To build the esteem of the engines, you will have to unpack your semantic content.
Keywords are definitely part of your assets, and the engine judges your charisma according to how you use them.
The big chat
When we do SEO for a long time, we get reflexes, a bit like the flirty systematically pulls his lighter when the girl draws her Marlboro. And one of those reflexes is the keyword stuffing.
So, no, we do not use this technique like our ancestors of 1998 who stuffed their meta tags of the same word repeated to infinity, but we exaggerate anyway a little, putting the key phrases where we can.
So, no, we do not use this technique like our ancestors of 1998 who stuffed their meta tags of the same word repeated to infinity, but we exaggerate anyway a little, putting the key phrases where we can
In the name of the blog. Indeed, I did not do it myself. But it’s because I really do not want to have a blog called “machine hose-writing,” it makes me bristle a bit. But if you’re creative Smoothies, I suggest that your domain name has the word smoothie in it.
In the categories. Your categories should be called as Internet users like to talk. For example, I created the categories “Write Well, Write Better” or “Sell and Sell,” which I found more appropriate than “writing methodology” or “marketing.”
In titles or subtitles. If I wrote “7 steps to seduce Google and reference your blog,”, my title tag is “How to reference your blog in Google.”
In the pictures. The first image of the article is called “return time,” not “wake up the heart.”
Good turns
Optimize your texts so that there is a sufficient keyword density.
“But where does that,” asks Anne-Clotilde, who does not know the word “density.”
Look at Anne-Clotilde:
Install Yoast SEO and follow the directions until your fire goes green.
Optimize your site description, those of all your pages, as well as your categories.
Add descriptions and alts to your images. Even legends, if you like that.
Pass your text to the keyword density audit tool.
“And how do I choose my keywords?” Yells Anne-Clotilde.
Already, you stop shouting in my ears and then you do that:
You hit Google the beginning of your query, and you wait a few milliseconds. Suggestions appear. This is the famous Google suggests. Listen well to Google suggests because they are the reflection of what typing Internet users lately.
Use ubersuggest, an excellent tool that breaks down searches in alphabetical order.
Use Google’s free tool, keyword planner, and click on the + next to each keyword you searched for, to view related queries. The device indicates the number of searches per month.
Look at the bottom of the result page, and take a look at the associated searches.
Search your keywords on Amazon. Ultra-targeted when you know that it is the purchases that motivate these requests!
Thanks to that, you will also be able to optimize your titles and your title tag (title optimized for the engine, as in Yoast).
By the way, how are these titles written? This is what you will see right away:
Present well
A good title must be the right length, so that it is read entirely on the result page, like this:
SERP results
And especially not like that:
Google result page
Did you know that there are top 3 titles clicked?
Titles that start with a number.
The headlines that are addressed to you, saying “you.”
Titles starting with “comment.”
To inspire yourself in your claims, go to forums of your theme and take the terms used by users. For example, you are in the topic of fashion blog, and you want to write an article about low waist pants.
Go to Google and type “inurl: forum pants low waist.” Click on the first result:
first result
In this topic titled “fed up with low waist pants,” people are speaking in common language on this subject. Use the terms and issues raised and do your research. Here, for example, I’m going to type:
“Low waist” “ray of the buttocks” and I get 1320 results, it’s not bad! I think we can write an article called “How to avoid showing the skate of the buttocks with low-waisted pants.”
Aim wide
When you are on a competitive request, you have to aim for the long tail.
For example, you want to refer to “Smoothies” (36 million hits, groups), but it’s already shielded. Using all these tools given above, look for queries that go with smoothies: “banana smoothie” for example (553 000 results). But it’s still too much.
Then try: Coconut banana smoothie? 189,000! It’s still a lot …
Then try Coconut pineapple banana smoothie recipe: 52,900 results. It’s better! And what do I see? Nobody has used this precise wording while Google suggests it in its associated research and that Google Keyword provides 2400 searches per month on “recipe smoothie banana” …
4 – Create your legend and make your blog a star reference his blog

Google takes into account the sharing of your articles on social networks. It means to him that you attract all eyes.
Here are the good practices:
Let yourself be shared
On your blog, there must absolutely be a system of sharing on the networks. If your WordPress theme does not have it, install a Floating social share bar plugin or Jetpack integrated module.
Submit quotes to twitter with Clicktotweet.
Swap content for likes or shares, with a social locker plugin. This will allow you to hide part of your article and unveil it once the sharing is done.
Your articles are shared on Facebook? Very good! But are you sure how it will look?
That’s why installing a small plugin like Open Graph will allow you to manage the way images appear on networks, as well as the title and description.
For example, I always create a specific image for networks like this one for The 7 Secrets of Successful Web Editors:
I placed my logo and the title of the article. This creates a lot of commitment!
Also, be sure to write an introduction adapted to the format of the different networks. For example, on Facebook, put the vital information in the first 2 sentences, beyond, the content is truncated, and you have to click on “read more.” Do not forget that the Facebook user has a degree of fenientise total flemma option.
5- How to reference your blog: Get out of your comfort zone post articles

Post on your blog while waiting for the prince charming, it is to make the monotony forever.
“Yes, but what is the relationship with SEO,” asks Anne-Clotilde who followed a Webrankinfo training once.
Anne-Clotilde, you see, if you publish only at home, the quality of your good backlinks, you might expect a tad.
So, my chicks, get out of your little cocoon (oh no, the cocoon is the butterflies, not the chicks) and publish guest articles on blogs better known than yours!
This will have 3 huge benefits:
First, you will make backlinks (incoming links Anne-Clotilde) on authoritative blogs. So do not donkeys and target the pages on which you want traffic! And these links, make sure that there is at least one in the introduction, just to have a small BL home page (at least for a while), and then at the top of the text, for the Google crawler to read it, yes, read it! (Yes read it).
Secondly, if the blog in question creates you an account author (I have one on Web marketing & com, Travelplugin and Web marketing-advice), it makes your links to your site from your author page, but also automatically at the foot of the article, to your blog and your networks:
Third (and later if you counted well), the owners of the blog will share you too on their systems, and as they are better known than you, or very well known if you are doing well, it will rain the link to your article, including you are the author, and this will bring you authority over your author profile, engagement, followers, likes, g + subscribers and more …
6 – Flirting comment blogs
It is now time to start frolicking with the outside world. You currently have charisma, presence, a beautiful image, an aura, and you fascinate your readers.
And Google still turns your back? He is difficult!
Never mind! You like the challenge and continue your conquest with the following techniques:
Create a link
When writing an article, consider linking to items that you find a reliable reference.
Then contact the blogger in question and just tell him:
Hello Jean-Marcellin!
I posted a link to your article “How to take pictures of rabbits” which I think is a reliable reference in the field of wild rabbits, in my article “14 techniques to make a beautiful picture of wild rabbit”.
I really appreciate your blog, being a big fan of wild rabbits in their natural environment.
Do not hesitate to share this article on your blog or on your networks.
I continue to follow you,
The best way to be shared, comment, like and more is to flatter.
Every blogger lives at the expense of the one who shares it. Tweet this diversion.
So, if you want us to love you … like! Compliment a blogger through a tweet, incense him with a comment, share his post on Facebook, send him an email to congratulate him, and encourage him … In short, the means to please someone are up to your own imagination.
It goes without saying that to compliment someone you do not like, will smell as good as the airwick WC after a big commission: no need, we’ll grill you. (I’m thinking of participating in a RATP poetry contest with this phrase, what do you think?)
Fly to the rescue
You have another way to make you appreciate by the bloggers, who are helping them. They ask for help? You are there! They write a post against which everyone rises? You are here to support them! (Do not recommend comments you would regret being associated later, hmm?)
Recently, I sent mail support to a blogger that I find great and who thinks to write badly, and the result is that it follows me, shares me, like me … and is somewhat active on the networks!
Because your blogger’s friends (bloggers you have linked, blogs that you publish, bloggers you complimented, bloggers you helped and bloggers disinterested friends, yes yes) know you and appreciate you, you can afford them solicit to ask them to link you or relay your article on their networks as indicated above.
Be sure to offer several alternatives in your request, so that the blogger does not hesitate between “yes” or “no,” but somewhat between “publish a link on my blog” or “share on my networks.”
In my article 20 countries that give the inspiration to undertake, I made a link to 20 travel blogs related to each state. And I contacted all these bloggers to tell them and request a connection. Out of 20, I had 11 definite answers and shares on the networks. No link on their blog, however, but it’s healthy since 1) This blog is not mine 2) It’s a marketing blog and not travel.
7 – Develop your magnetism
And the backlinks? And the backlinks? And the backliiiiiinks !!!!!
Yes, yes, it’s coming!
Here are 6 ways to post backlinks that will help to position your blog on the wanted queries:
1 – Directories. Register your blogs (which have their own domain name, of course) in user directories. Here is a list of classified directories. If you have shared on networks, and links from known blogs, register in a dozen directories to start, then a month later, in another dozen directories. That’s all. These directory-based links must be less than 10% of your total backlinks. Lists can be dropped by Google, it should not be penalized for your site.
2 – Write press releases. Here is a good list. Same, do not do 12000 and do not over-optimize your link anchors. Personally, I write my press releases like this:
Optimized title
Intro with keywords and long-tail and words from the lexical field of the subject. A link with an anchor on the name.
Optimized subtitle
Image with an optimized description of the keyword.
A 250-word paragraph containing long tail and lexical fields. A nice numbered list, or bullets. A long anchor link hangs in the first sentence.
Optimized subtitle
Image with optimized description on another keyword.
A paragraph of 250 words again. A link to an article of authority (not to you).
Link with anchor type URL or “source.” And another source of authority.
3 – Comments on blogs of your theme. If you want a hyper contextualized link, be the last to comment (if the hierarchy of comments is in a reversed chronology, as is the case on WordPress usually), and do it on an article whose title is precisely the request on which you are trying to rank.
A useful comment, I must remember, thanks to the author for his article, compliments it, brings added value by asking a question or giving a tip or additional information and sign. I like the smileys (unless there are too many in which case I have the impression that the person has difficulties of the mental type) and line breaks. Thank you for the eyes.
4- The forums.
Do you know the Aufeminin forums? Oh my god, this is the last site on which we think to find reliable info, is not it? Well, not Google. He likes Aufeminin a lot. And suddenly, I love him too. (I do everything like Google mwaaa!)
If you find the topic that corresponds to your specific query, that it is old enough and a little spammed (but it goes. Frankly, it does not exceed the 10 links per year on the previous topics!), In general, it runs well on this query by the way … Post your comment with hyper-targeted title, mega-optimized genre on the keyword of death that kills.
For example, if the topic is “How to seduce a Capricorn” and you want to rank on “Seduce Capricorn”, titled your answer: “Seduce Capricorn” and there you balance sauerkraut, the post that explains how to seduce a Capricorn and you put a link that will be placed automatically on the anchor “link”. Believe me, in 1 month, you rank.
Try other forms of links on all forums that you like and above all, do not forget to put your site in signing! In a contextualized sentence, it’s always better than on an overly optimized anchor.
5 – Create a high-quality blog and get free links. Recently, I had a message from Yvon Copywriting-practice, telling me that he liked what I was doing and that suddenly, he made me a link his blog, like that, on the home page and all.
6 – Have your product tested. You have created, or you sell a product? Give it to a blogger and even offer him a contest to win this product to his readers and get a link review.
So good, yes, you risk getting knocked out. So be sure of your product. (And your blogger).
Bonus: Dangerous liaisons SEO techniques

Do not do it!
Comment off-topic blogs, or worse, with Scrapebox. (Although this tool has other uses, it will be for another post.)
Create autoblogs or networks of sites whose quality you do not control.
Register on all directories.
Post too many press releases with an over-optimized anchor.
Create a pyramid of links or an old-fashioned link wheel.
Use Xrumer. When I think this tool represented a kind of Russian Holy Grail in 2010 …