When to publish on social networks? What is the best time of day and week to post on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Pinterest? What is the best time of the day to display your publications? This is the kind of article that I do not like to see on Twitter or Facebook as it is difficult to give a decided judgment on this issue.
However, the data collected by Coschedule are worth a look since they are based on the results of 23 serious studies, including those published by Buffer, Quintly, Post Planner, Adespresso, or Forbes. So at least, you will find good leads to test on your own social networks and get your own statistics. Because obviously there is no better time to publish than the one that gives results for your business. These results depend on your audience.
To go further on the subject before starting your tutorial, download free guides and advice to improve your performance on social networks:
The moment to publish on social networks
Choosing the best time to publish on social networks depends on the platforms you have chosen to dominate but also the audiences you want to target.
1. Each social network does have its own uses
2. But each audience also has its own habits of consuming content
When to post on social networks
In fact, we do not consult each system at the same times of the day. Your publications will not have the same impact depending on the day and time of the post.
To start with, a study published by Sumo in July 2016 on 200 million shared posts revealed that globally:
1. Weekends generate fewer shares on social networks
2. The week starts (Monday to Wednesday) instead concentrates the most shares
3. Thursday and Friday saw a slow decline in the number of shares

Do not forget to be smart: brands post less during the night and weekends. If the commitment may be lower, you will still face less competition. Neetzan Zimmerman, an ex-hunter of viral content for Gawker, never publishes at peak hours so as not to be diluted with the flood of publications during the day.
When to post on Facebook?
What is the best time to post on Facebook?
– The best time to post on Facebook would be weekends and weekends between 13:00 and 16:00
– The best days to publish on Facebook would be Saturday and Sunday for better engagement
– The least favorable days to post on Facebook would be from Monday to Wednesday
– The best hours to publish would be at 9am or 1pm (more clicks) and 3pm (more sharing)

When to post on Twitter?
– The best time to post on Twitter would be Wednesday between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm
– There is no particularly less favorable day to publish but differences depending on your sector
– In B2B, the best days to publish on Twitter would be in the week (in-office hours)
– In B2C, the best days to post to Twitter would be weekend days on the contrary
– Overall, break times seem to generate more retweets and clicks: 12:00, 15:00 and then between 17:00 and 18:00
What’s the best time to tweet on Twitter?

When to post on Linkedin?
What is the best time to post on Linkedin
– The best days to post on Linkedin would be from Tuesday to Thursday
– The least favorable days would be Monday and Friday
– The best time to publish on Linkedin would be midweek between 17:00 and 18:00
– The best times to post would be the morning between 7:00 am and 8:00 am and 12:00 pm and finally between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm
– In B2B, the time of reading would, however, rather be in the morning.
– The least favorable days to publish on Linkedin would be Monday and Friday

When to post on Instagram?
What is the best time to post on Instagram?
– Monday and Thursday would be the best days to publish on Instagram
– The hours outside the working day would be the best
– With optimal hours early in the day from 8:00 to 9:00 (awakening/transport), from 17:00 (end of the day) and 2:00 (bedtime)
– The publication of videos from 21:00 would be particularly conducive for more commitment
– The least favorable time would be in the middle of the night between 3:00 and 4:00 am

When to post on Pinterest?
What is the best time to pin on Pinterest?
– The best days to post on Pinterest would be Saturday and Sunday (weekends)
– The best time to publish in the week on Pinterest would be between 8:00 and 11:00 on Saturday morning.
– More generally, the ideal time would be at 14:00, 19:00 and 2:00 am
– The least favorable hours to publish on Pinterest would be the weekday office hours

Identify the best time to post on social networks
On each of the social networks, you have costly tools to analyze your actions. So forget everything you know. There are only tests that will allow you to find the most effective schedules for your social accounts.
1st technique: try to publish the same post or tweet at two different hours or two separate days
Problem: Some of your subscribers may have seen the first publication and the second might have a smaller impact, and your results may be distorted
2nd technique: change your publishing habits (e.g., later or earlier in the day) by staying at your new line of driving for two to three weeks and then observe if you get better statistical results
Problem: Your publications may just be better or worse during the testing period, and your findings on the day or time may be distorted.
3rd technique: on Facebook, it is possible not to broadcast your publications to your entire subscriber base.
On Facebook, you can target only fans by gender, age, city, country, language, interest. By publishing twice your post to two equivalent targets but two different hours or days, you will be able to analyze your performance scientifically (a real A / B test for social networks).
4th method: Use the traffic generated by your posts (which indeed does not necessarily illustrate the visibility of your publications) to analyze the days and hours that work best.
To do this:
1. Go to your Google Analytics account
2. Click on Acquisition then Traffic
3. Choose “Social”
4. Then select the social network you want to watch
5. Finally add a secondary dimension: either “Name of the week” or “Time” depending on what you want to observe
And now, you should get a ranking of the hours and days of the week that can get the most performance you need to put in perspective with your activity.
If you do not post the weekend, do not be surprised if you do not have any traffic.

Identify the best time to post on Facebook
If this necessary information can help you, make your own tests directly on your Facebook page to identify the right timing for posting:
Facebook stats provide valuable insights into your posts reach and engagement rate.
Alternative: Use Fanpage Karma to find the best day of the week and the best time of the day to get the best performance:
Identify the best time to post on Twitter
The statistics on Twitter will allow you to obtain information on the number of retweets, favorites, and answers obtained on each of your tweets. Besides, you can analyze which tweets have worked best.
Alternative: Tweriod analyzes your tweets to advise you of hours during which to post weekdays and weekends. Tweriod also gives information about when your followers are online.

Identify the best time to post on Linkedin
Linkedin statistics allow you to analyze the performance of your company page (unfortunately not your profile directly) and can help you identify the best days and times to post.

Identify the best time to post on Pinterest
The statistics on Pinterest allow you to compare the performance of your tweets to identify the right timing to publish.
Identify the best time to post on Instagram
Instagram stats (accessible for business accounts) will help you analyze the best hours and days to post to your account for maximum enjoyment and feedback.

Alternative: Iconosquare is a paid tool that collects actionable data on your account and in particular the performance history of your photos and videos depending on the day and time when you posted them.

Identify the best time to post on Youtube
Bonus: Statistics on Youtube

The last point before finishing: As well as optimizing your email opening rates, finding the best time to tweet, pin, post, starts to be particularly interesting from the moment you start having a critical mass of emails. Subscribers and followers.
So focus first on producing quality content rather than optimizing your social networks.