It’s been 21 years since Paypal exists. The online payment platform is present everywhere. Moreover, the site recorded an increase of 18% of its turnover just for the year 2016, bringing it to 2.7 billion dollars. This dreamy figure reminds moreover that it is possible to obtain money directly on Paypal. So, in this article, I decided to explain to you how to earn Paypal money.
Why Paypal? Why am I interested?
Today, Paypal is everywhere. More and more sites are accepting it, and even the physical stores are interested in it. It has become a means of payment in its own right, just like checks and bank cards. It’s also a great way to make transfers quickly and easily.
Moreover, then, unlike a bank card, Paypal is accessible to people abandoned by banks. If you are in a situation of banking prohibition, there is a good chance that you have removed your checkbook and your payment card. How to do, in this case, to get out of this lousy past? Bring back a little money on a Paypal account can help you there. Moreover, it is possible to open a Paypal account without CB.
Besides, Paypal has unique security and encodings. If you fear to steal your bank details, consider using this kind of online payment platform: with it, you will not have such contact details to enter. So your bank account is not compromised. This is perfect for fighting against unscrupulous sites and software, which more and more people fear today.
Moreover, then, the popularity of Paypal is also part of its benefits. It is today solicited on popular platforms: I will speak a little further of the commercial sites that use this means of payment, and how to use it.
Great! I’m getting started today, then!
Warning: in the country of Paypal, everything is not rosy. The platform has a fee for use, and while it has many advantages over the banking system, it also has disadvantages. You must be of age to open your own Paypal account.
Moreover, then, Paypal is like everything: it has a price. The platform is particularly disadvantageous to people who want to receive money, which can be embarrassing if you are there to make money online. That being said, these fees are not excessive:
- They are decreasing: 3.4% of the transaction + 0.25 €, for sales below € 2,500. This price then reduces as the amount of transactions grows.
- The purchase is free, provided that it remains well. If your purchase requires a currency conversion, or for cross-border payment, for example, you will have additional costs.
- The opening and closing of the account are completely free.
What else do I need to know about Paypal?
For an individual, there are not many specificities to report. I will, nevertheless emphasize the presence of insurance for buyers. This covers the excellent delivery of your purchases. Moreover, it can even cover intangibles (air tickets, downloads). If you intend to use your Paypal money to buy online, it will be useful.
The platform offers three types of account. If you are an individual, a personal account will suffice, unless you are a substantial online buyer. On the other hand, if you are a “pro,” you might be interested in a Premier or Business account to earn Paypal money. This is especially true if you intend to get started in e-commerce. In the latter case, Paypal will be a privileged partner for the management of your profits.

It’s up to you to win a share!
The big question: how to make money Paypal?
I know that if you’re here, it’s all about knowing how to make ends meet. So, I do not linger any longer: see the solutions to make money on Paypal right now.
Bailout a Paypal balance while playing
I will not lie to you: it is difficult to become a millionaire only with Paypal. However, what is true is that you can earn money Paypal, a few tens, even a few hundred euros with the methods I describe here. Not enough to pay for your trip to the Maldives, but still. Moreover, then, eventually, you could even see this as a game, with goals to be achieved each month
In fact, video games are the first method. In almost all cases, these are applications to use on a smartphone, and therefore games to play when you have 10 minutes to lose. Are you waiting for your train? Are you in the waiting room of the dentist? Get out your cell phone, and generate some money by the time your practitioner has finished with the previous patient. On the other hand, applications to earn Paypal money come and go, and we must remain vigilant on the news to continually find the best. For this first tip, I spotted Cashkado , who offers to earn money by participating in scratch games.
Like other methods that I propose here, the game is a good idea to fill time in your daily life, while making you a little money. Of course, nothing prevents you from playing more to earn more Paypal money.
Cashback: money not free
You’ve probably heard about cashback. It is merely a sum of money that is returned to you at the time of purchase. Either this amount is fixed (for example, 2.50 € from 50 € of purchases), or proportional (2% of your purchases are transferred to your Paypal account). Among the best known, I’ve retained Igraal : with him, the discounts can exceed 10 or 20%.
Thus, the advantage of cashback is that it can make real savings, especially if you have the profile of the compulsive buyer, or at least the regular buyer on the Internet: 10% of a bill of 100 euros, that makes a big difference. The problem is instead that it is not free money since it must first be spent to be able to recover some of it. I see it more as a loyalty program.
Surveys and paid e-mails: a first boost
I will present these two together because their operation is similar in almost every respect.
The principle of polls and paid e-mails is to earn Paypal money either by responding to polls or by reading e-mails. The advantage of this method is its simplicity: in general, it takes nothing more than registration on the site to begin to grow a nest egg. In return, it is a method that pays little. That said, the amounts vary from one site to another, and in the long run, it is indeed possible to earn Paypal money.
Regarding polls, take the time to compare sites. Some sites like Toluna allow you to earn Paypal money, but unfortunately, you will be regularly excluded from their surveys if you do not meet their selection criteria. Others like MonOpinionAccount also pay on Paypal and have a shallow payment threshold at 2.5 €.

For paid e-mails, I chose Mailorama. Tip: most e-mails are paid for reading (a little more rarely when opening a link provided). In these cases, choose a mailbox where you can preview the mail without opening it: it may be enough to earn your reward, and thus save you much time.
Paid sites and apps: the second helping hand
There is another way to earn Paypal money every day: income-generating applications. They are different from polls or e-mails, in that unlike them, the ones I selected seek to integrate as discreetly as possible in your daily life.
This is the case of Swagbucks . This site contains, in fact, a whole lot of methods to earn convertible points in Paypal money: games, polls. However, here, what interests me is the Swagbucks search engine, which regularly gives these points called Swagbucks. So, by leaving your favorite search engine for this site, you generate a little income every day, and without changing your daily life.
Swagbucks is not the only one to use this model. Another way is the monetization apps unlocking smartphones. The principle is simple: by installing an app, like Slidejoy , you agree to see an advertisement each time you unlock your phone. Just swipe right to remove it and unlock your device, or up if the ad interests you. In exchange for this ad, the app pays you for each advertisement viewed. This is another example of compensation that fits into your everyday life.
Your mission, if you accept it
While I’m talking about commercials, I take this opportunity to mention the sites that are based on their viewing. They can be classified with the sites of “missions,” that is to say those asking you to perform a specific task. So, it can be to view an advertisement, entirely only.
I also selected the site Ba-click, which at the time allowed me to earn 107 euros in a few hours.
Also, I quote these two because their reliability is recognized, and they pay on time. However, we must be vigilant: some missions sometimes ask to sign up for free offers which become paid after 7 or 10 days. So remember to cancel your registration before, which will not prevent you from receiving your reward.
Regarding the other missions, it should be noted that these can also be to answer a survey or an e-mail, as already mentioned. However, while paid e-mail and survey applications focus on a specific task, these other sites may require you to do much more diverse tasks. It may be to follow a Twitter account or a Facebook page or to visit a website. A recurring mission on mobile devices is the testing of mobile applications. So we can tell you to install a game on your tablet and to reach level 10 to your newly created account. We can also ask you to go to a site to make a purchase, thus joining the principle of cashback.
For this part, I will quote Appbounty for mobile devices. The application seems to be reliable, although some objectives sometimes have trouble being validated. For sites, I want to mention the brands that specialized in testing sites, such as Testapic. In the case of Testapic, it is necessary to perform the test with a webcam and a microphone (to share vivid impressions), then send it to the site editor, who will be responsible for validating it. The tests are few, but relatively well paid (about € 7 for 15 or 20 minutes of tests to perform).
share now, BlaBlaCar Your neighbor is feeding your Paypal account
This time, you will have to give your person to earn Paypal money. However, the game is worth the candle: it is about selling a good or a service, and in general to a person close to you.
All the interest of the thing is to sell clothes or other things that you do not use anymore. Moreover, you can even go further by offering services. The Blablacar carpool website is the best known in this area, and it allows you to pay and receive Paypal money.
Become a mechanical Turkish
I will finish this selection with the option that is closest to me for a “real” job. This is Turkish mechanics.
This expression probably does not tell you anything: that’s the name of Amazon’s platform for handling tasks that computers can not (yet) do. Retranscribe a handwritten address to the computer, for example. In this case, Amazon is paying people to perform these tasks. This is the principle of micro-work.
It is, therefore, possible to make money with Amazon by performing basic tasks. However, beware: Paypal is a competitor of Amazon, and we will never be able to pay this money on a Paypal account. I will send you back to Clickworker . Do not expect to get abundant on such sites: for Amazon’s mechanical Turk, it is estimated that the remuneration does not exceed $ 2.50 per hour. However, it can still represent several hundred euros per month on your Paypal account.
Spend money Paypal
So much for ways to bail out your Paypal account. I now have some things to tell you about how to spend it. Indeed, the traders do not accept all Paypal, and there are some tips to know for that.
How? Still today, not everyone uses Paypal?
Not at all! Moreover, nothing requires a merchant to accept Paypal as a means of payment, just as for checks and credit cards: only tickets and coins can not be refused. Moreover, as already reported, Amazon, which is, however, one of the most visited sites in the world, do not accept it. That said, Paypal is more and more ubiquitous. Fnac, Darty, Baker, Conforama, RueDuCommerce, TopBuy, PriceMinister, ToysRU. All these sites use Paypal. It is even the default payment method on eBay, the owner of Paypal.
Outside the web, contactless Paypal payments (with a smartphone) began a march forward a few years ago. However, a contactless payment directly in-store is rare. In the United States, the Android Pay service is already available in many physical stores: you can use your contactless smartphone in most of these stores, as is done with a credit card.
However, this service is still very little available. On the other hand, it is more than likely that once available, he asks to link his Paypal account to a bank account, a disqualification if you are banned banking.
I heard about Paypal OneTouch. What’s this?
Indeed there is an initiative, called Paypal OneTouch, which is proof that the brand is making efforts so that we can, tomorrow (or even today), pay with Paypal in physical stores. In development since 2015, it is a service to use a smartphone, a tablet, or even a laptop to pay for its purchases in one click.
The application is intended to facilitate online payments. So, you can choose not to have to enter your password to pay. However, in this case, be careful not to rob your device. If this happens, change your password and personal information immediately.
Of course, the OneTouch Paypal service is only available at eligible merchants. However, associated with an NFC chip, already used for the contactless payment of bank cards, we can correctly foresee development of mobile payment with Paypal in the next times. Moreover, Android Pay, which already offers it, has established a partnership with Paypal for this purpose.
Moreover, for the commercial sites? What should I watch out for?
As long as you do your shopping on reputed sites, as a rule, you should not have any problem. However, if you get away from these big names, it’s better to make sure you can trust the site in question. Indeed, in the banking field, scams (such as phishing, which consists of masquerading as your bank to recover your data) are numerous.
Paypal is no exception. For example, if you receive an e-mail asking for your account data or paying money, delete the message immediately. Also, if a merchant site is little known or seems suspicious, do not hesitate to use the site FoxyRating . Nicknamed “NBR,” it is a collaborative site, where each user can report fraudulent maneuvers. Thanks to him, in the blink of an eye, you can know whether or not you can trust your merchant site.
So much for this guide! However, your adventures on Paypal are just beginning, so do not hesitate to discover new sites on your own, and always stay abreast of new ways to make money Paypal!